Pet Diagnostics

Pet Diagnostics in Doha

There are many pet conditions that a physical wellness exam alone can’t detect. Furthermore, your pet can’t speak to tell you what he/she is feeling. Therefore, veterinarians rely on advanced diagnostic services for internal examinations. The Veterinary Surgery in Doha maintains a full pet diagnostic center and in-house laboratory, where we perform X-rays(Digital DR), Ultrasound(Abdominal , Pregnancy, Cardiac) ,Endoscopy, as well as several microscopy tests.

 For some conditions, we may use two more or more services together for a more accurate diagnosis

We have following diagnostic services 


Blood Chemistry

Blood Hormones 

Florescene Eye test

Woods Lamp 

Scirmer tear test

Tonometry(Eye Pressure)

Blood pressure measurement

ACTH Stimulation test

Thyroid Panel 

Feline Hepes Virus Test

Pro-BNp Test

SPec CPL Test

Panleucopenia Test

FELv/FIV(Leukemia/Aids) Test

Feline Infectious Peritonitis(FIP)

Parvo Test

Distemper Test

Toxoplasma Test

Fungal Culture 

Culture and sensitivity Test

Fecal floatation test.

PCR tests

Canine Brucella test

Leishmania Test

Heartworm Test

Pregnancy Test 

Blood typing 

Urine test 

Digital Dog and Cat X-Rays (Radiography)

We use X-rays to examine bones, organs, and other internal structures of the body. Radiography is one of the most common diagnostic technology used in veterinary medicine to detect fractures, foreign bodies, and other conditions. Also, we have a digital dental X-ray unit, which allows us to view below the gum line where most dental problems are found. When compared to film radiography, digital X-rays provide a number of benefits to you, your pet, and our team, including:

  • Faster image production
  • Clearer and more detailed images
  • No need for harsh development chemicals
  • Images can be easily enhanced and shared digitally

Dog and Cat Ultrasound

Dog and cat ultrasound uses sound wave technology to safely, non-invasively examine the shape, size, and tissue density of a pet’s internal organs in real time. Though commonly used to detect pregnancy, we use it to detect other conditions as well, such as tumors. Often times, digital radiography complements ultrasound analysis.

In-House Laboratory at Our Animal Hospital

For your convenience and that of your pet, The Veterinary Surgery has a full in-house laboratory, where we can perform a number of microscopic tests, including:

  • Blood chemistry analyses
  • Culture and sensitivity tests
  • Rabies serology tests*

We use rabies serology testing for animals that will be traveling to European countries. This is in collaboration with V.L.A Laboratory center and IDEXX center of UK for complete histology and histopathology tests. We send samples out on a daily basis via FedEx.

If you think your pet is in need of an advanced diagnostic exam at The Veterinary Surgery, give us a call at +974-44367187. or whatsap us on 66540013 Our team will be happy to help.

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