Pet Transport Services for Dogs and Cats in Doha, Qatar
Sometimes life circumstances can result in the need to relocate with your family—including your pet—either to another city or even another country. With all the mandatory paperwork and other requirements, traveling with a pet internationally can be hectic, but it doesn’t have to be. The Veterinary Surgery in Doha can help make the process of relocating your pet convenient and free of stress. We are pleased to offer an A to Z pet transport service for animals arriving in or departing from Qatar. Our friendly, professional team has a wealth of experience with pet relocation services and would be happy to answer any questions you have.

The Veterinary Surgery abides by International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) standards and have pet relocation partners all over the world who can assist you with your pet’s travel needs, including:
- Import/export permits
- All necessary paperwork
- Vaccinations and other medical requirements
- Obtaining an IATA-approved kennel
- Destination advice
- Arranging for a safe departure and arrival
- Pet boarding
- Door-to-door pet pickup and delivery
In order for us to import or export your pet, we ask that you complete our Pet Relocation Request Form and provide a copy of your pet’s vaccination records and of your passport. Once we have that information, we take care of the rest! We do everything we can to make the pet relocation process as smooth as possible, both for you and your pet. For detailed information about pet importation and pet exportation, including license information and carrier specifications, visit our Traveling Tips page. Please contact us to let us know your travel plans or to let us know of any questions you have about pet relocation in Doha. We’ll be happy to help.